So, while everyone is busy keeping tracks of all kinds of public figures nominating or accepting the Ice Bucket Challenge, I came across an Open Letter written almost 30 years ago by Audre Lorde to Mary Dale, which made me realize of a rather upsetting scenario which revolves around 21st century women who, ever so loosely & lightly, use words likes sexism and feminism & might I be so bold to add "superficially victimizing themselves to such gender discrimination.
It has only made me more skeptical towards the "so-called superiority of women over men" because it just basically hints that maybe we have forgotten the seriousness revolving around gender discrimination. To think, that maybe we are tainting the works of all the brave women of past who not only battled patriarchy alongside racialism but also managed to paint their "her-story" so gaudily that turned the skittish hearts into audacious lionesses! There are women out there in today's such Developed times that are misunderstood, abused, raped (maritally even), sold, trafficked & we, so leniently have settled to re-define feminism as "Males asking us to prepare sandwiches on account of women inheriting superior cooking abilities".
I also am most definitely not an Ice bucket challenge hater nor do I compare myself to Audre Lorde.
It has only made me more skeptical towards the "so-called superiority of women over men" because it just basically hints that maybe we have forgotten the seriousness revolving around gender discrimination. To think, that maybe we are tainting the works of all the brave women of past who not only battled patriarchy alongside racialism but also managed to paint their "her-story" so gaudily that turned the skittish hearts into audacious lionesses! There are women out there in today's such Developed times that are misunderstood, abused, raped (maritally even), sold, trafficked & we, so leniently have settled to re-define feminism as "Males asking us to prepare sandwiches on account of women inheriting superior cooking abilities".
*In a nutshell: Maybe it's about time we stop airily accusing every breathing being with male genitals of being biased & turn our resources towards truly exploring and understanding the power of our complex anatomy, both physically as well as psychologically.PS. The article is more of a target specific drug rather than a dose of aggressive broad spectrum antibiotics.
I also am most definitely not an Ice bucket challenge hater nor do I compare myself to Audre Lorde.