The question "How are we any different from an ape or even an amoeba when all we seem to properly can do is reproduce just like them?" The only difference we successfully have established thus far after 85 million years of evolution is E=MC square and that we don't fling poop to eliminate competition while impressing the alpha! Something I'm sure our evolutionary predecessors couldn't understand. Then again, Is It that Big of An Evolutionary Feat? The purpose of this post is that I've failed to find a purpose. A purpose for our superiority and our genius, a purpose for our existence, a purpose other than surviving, a purpose for 8 Billion of us! It was terrifying when it finally dawned that I was not only different from every other human being but also I was no different from all those plants and animals. Oh, well! I am a little different because all those animals and plants "without conscience and inferior to us" lived Symbiotically when all I am is Parasitic..
Would that mean our purpose is no different that of a leech's?
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